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Yawning Puppy

Drying basics for dog owners

If you are new to the dog world, these dog drying basics will help you.

There are probably as many different drying techniques as there are breeds of dogs. All based on coat type and condition and what works for you and your dog.

The easiest and most popular is towel drying followed by air drying. Simply use your hands to gently squeeze out as much water as your dog will let you. Once that is done you can blot him gently with a towel.

Note: for most coated dogs it is not recommended to scrub the coat with the towel. This will cause tangles and damage or breakage to the hair itself. If this is all the effort it takes to dry your particular dog it is at this time that we recommend spritzing the coat lightly with an Isle of Dogs Grooming Spray or Conditioning Mist.

For breeds that require a force air dryer or stand dryer you still want to start by using the above methods followed by using the dryer. These types of dryers can frighten some dogs, and we don’t recommend using these products without the help of an experienced groomer the first time.

For coated breeds the Isle of Dogs No. 62 Evening Primrose Oil or No. 63 Detangle Conditioning Mist should be used when the coat is just damp and brushed in during the final drying stage.

Once your dog is freshly cleaned and dry, he will feel on top of the world. The gentle, natural ingredients in Isle of Dogs products will leave his skin comfortable and his coat in top condition, and most important of all, he will know you love him.

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